Self-care is so important, especially after the year we have all had; and finding extra time in your day to prioritize yourself can be difficult. We are not taught to prioritize self-care, but it is okay, in fact, it is vital in maintaining a healthy mind, body, and soul. When it comes to self-care every day, it does not need to be complicated or costly, and more importantly, it does not need to bring you more stress! Even small self-care steps will give you a little bit of a re-charge and reset; it’s easy to keep it simple & make sure that it fits into YOUR lifestyle.
Here are 5 things you can add into your daily routine to practice self-care every day.

1. Lavender Eye Mask
Taking time for yourself to rest and destress with deep breathing is a wonderful part of self-care. We love decompressing with our lavender-scented eye pillows. Our hand-crafted eye pillows are filled with organic lavender and flaxseed for aromatherapy and relaxation. The organic lavender scent will calm you while the weight of the flaxseed relaxes with gentle pressure. The eye pillow can be quickly microwaved for warmth or put in the freezer to make a cold compress.
2. Meditation
Whether it’s right when you wake up, or whenever you can find a few minutes in your day, meditation is a great way to center yourself and there are incredible benefits to even short meditations. We especially love finding new guided meditations to add into our daily routines, and YouTube has so many free options. Here is a wonderful short 5-Minute guided meditation video to recenter your mind and focus on your breathing.
3. Vitamin D
It’s summertime in New England and the sun has been shining! We all know there are so many benefits to spending time outside daily: reduce stress, improve your mood, give your mind a rest, and so much more. The Japanese practice shinrin-yoku, or forest bathing for better mental health. Find some time in your daily routine to walk or bike or find a nice shady spot to just breathe. Oh! And don’t forget your SPF.
4. Gratitude Journal
Journaling is a great self-care technique that allows you to de-stress, reflect, and even get to know yourself a little better. There are so many different types of journaling and starting a gratitude journal is a simple form of journaling that has tremendous benefits for our wellbeing. Here is a wonderful article about the benefits of writing a daily gratitude journal and how to get started.
5. Don’t Force It
Do things that you love! If you’re only doing something because everybody else is doing it but you absolutely hate it, then it’s more likely you won’t be able to commit to it. The key in sticking to your self-care routine is finding activities that you love and that you look forward to every day. To create a daily self-care routine that works for you and your lifestyle, try new things and take note of what brings you joy.